Tuesday 6 October 2015

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay in Less Than 30 Minutes

An assignment to write a 5 paragraph essay may seem challenging at first, but when broken down into pieces, it is much easier and should be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise, the outcome may be not be what you, your teacher or your parents desired, such as poor grades, anxiety and frustration. Listed here are 4 great tips on how to organize and write a 5 paragraph essays in less than 30 minutes.
1. Essay structure
It is important to have the correct structure for your essay to help organize your thoughts and ideas, and because doing so helps prevent writing off topic or wasting time. Failing to have the correct essay structure can certainly cause you confusion and will make the process seem more difficult. The 5 paragraph structure consists of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion.
2. Introduction
The introduction must tell your reader about the topic, but it must also have an attention grabbing sentence, or hook, to get the reader interested. This is usually about something difficult or challenging. Once you form the attention grabbing sentence, then you are ready for your thesis sentence, which simply states what you are about to tell your reader. The thesis sentence is the last sentence in the introduction. Now you will want to think of 3 point, ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement.
3. Body Paragraphs
Next, when writing a 5 paragraph essay, you must have three (3) paragraphs in the body of the essay. In each paragraph explain in detail one of the three ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement. This structure helps keep the essay on topic and interesting for your reader.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is the simplest paragraph when writing a 5 paragraph essay. The last sentence in your introduction paragraph becomes the first sentence in your conclusion paragraph. The next sentence includes your three points or ideas. Finally, you have the concluding sentence that wraps is all up.
Listed above are 4 great tips on how to organize and write a 5 paragraph essay. The introduction, body and conclusion are the essential elements of any 5 paragraph essay. Using the strategies above, you will avoid confusion and frustration and achieve the grades you desire.
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How To Write A Personal Statement For College

The entire college admission process can be exhausting and nerve-racking but there are few things worse than writing the personal statement for college applications. Your first thought is that it would be a piece of cake, everything you have to do is write a few words about yourself - what your interests are, what you would like to accomplish in life. However, personal statements for college have never been an easy task. When writing a statement for college, your high school writings for which you got straight A's won't do you much good.
The main issue is that when writing your personal statement for college, you are not in that world and you are well aware of it. Personal statements are not supposed to be essays about how much you admire famous people like Gandhi. You shouldn't also write about the first time you leaned how important teamwork is or anything like that. They have heard it all, so you cannot write anything new and this, unfortunately, is not in your favor.
These are the reasons why so many people seek help when writing their personal statement for college is concerned. I had a good time growing up. As my mother is a very famous and acknowledged writer, I always counted on her for feedback. Even now she is there for me when I need an intelligent and well-structured statement or paper. Apart from helping with my essays, my mother was also good enough to give me a hand when I was writing my personal statement for college.
Of course, I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have such a valuable resource at their home, and not everyone can also depend on their high school English teacher. So, if this concerns you, then you can try searching some sites on the internet that might turn to be quite helpful. For instance, most of them offer free tips telling you what you should avoid and what you should include when writing your personal statement for college. From my point of view, when writing your personal statement it's best to try to find face to face feedback from someone whom you trust.
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How to Find the Best Financial Education Program

If you're reading this then hopefully you are looking for a way to take control of your own finances by completing some form of financial education program. Perhaps you have sacked your financial adviser because he's done such a crap job over the last couple of years and you reckon you can do a better job. Or maybe you're just starting off and have decided to take responsibility for your financial future at an early stage.
If so, congratulations! The path to true wealth and prosperity lies in understanding your own finances and taking control of them. The path to failure is letting others, like financial advisers, family or friends, take control of your future by managing your investments or telling you what you should be doing. Worse still, is trying to do it on your own without understanding where you are going.
To benefit from the ability to control your own finances you need initial and ongoing financial education and that is best achieved through a properly structured financial education program. It's like learning to play golf. If you have never played before, then the best way to learn is to seek a professional who will show you how to achieve that low handicap through a perfect swing. Your ongoing performance on the golf course also relies on your ongoing practice and continued support from the golf pro or other professional sources. We all know what sort of golfer a person is likely to be who has never taken a golf lesson and relies on advice from their mates when things go from bad to worse with the swing.
Financial well being is no different to playing golf. You need to learn the basics through a comprehensive financial education program. The program also needs to teach you the right mindset for achieving prosperity. Financial freedom or success can have different definitions to many people but any financial education program needs to also teach you beyond the basics and principles of how to swing a golf club.
What about when your ball goes into a bunker? Did your golf pro teach you how to get out of trouble? We all know the world of finance and investment does not run smoothly all the time. For the untrained, making financial decisions can be like not knowing what club to use on the tee or any other part of the course - because they do not know what the outcome may be. To the trained golfer you know what club to use and will be successful more often than not when you play a shot from any position.
To find the best financial education program you need it to cover the fundamental basics like budgeting, cash flows, understanding all types of investments, investment structures and understanding company reports and research papers. It also needs to teach all the advanced strategies like minimising your taxes, estate planning issues, retirement planning strategies and protecting your assets. It also needs to teach you about prosperity, financial well being and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Probably the most important aspect, just as the golfer needs constant revision and practice to keep a low handicap, you will need constant reviews and ongoing access to professionals and mentors.
Achieving financial freedom is an ongoing pursuit of knowledge and education. If you don't do it right you'll end up in the trees or someone else's forest.
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Writing an Analysis Paper - The Basic Components

Analysis papers are required at many levels: secondary school, university, and in professional disciplines. Once you have selected your subject and formulated your thesis, you need to actually lay it out for others to read. For many writers, this is the most difficult part.
No matter what the topic or type, there are three basic parts of an analysis paper:
• Introduction: The introduction and the conclusion are the two most important paragraphs of an analysis paper. Make the introduction exciting or inviting to capture the readers' interest: use an interesting quotation, a surprising or impressive fact, a provocative statement that leads to a description of your subject and your clearly defined thesis.
• Body: Within the body of the analysis paper, use distinct paragraphs to make distinct points; trying to make multiple points in a single paragraph is a common mistake. Keep each paragraph focused on exploring an individual point, and state that point in the first sentence of the paragraph. Expand the paragraph by incorporating specific quotations or other examples from the subject, referencing third party sources, and anticipate and address contradicting viewpoints. Arrange the paragraphs so that the point made in each builds upon prior paragraphs, leading the reader logically to your conclusion. Above all be clear and concise.
• Conclusion: The conclusion should recap your thesis and summarize the key points made in the body of the analysis paper. It should be concise. And leave the reader thinking by closing with a thought provoking final sentence: perhaps an appropriate, supporting quotation; stating an implication or consequence, or requesting that some action be taken.
Once your paper is drafted, you want to be sure that it is formatted correctly. The most widely accepted guide to this end is the MLA Style Guide. Be sure your analysis paper adheres to MLA guidelines for citing references and sources.
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Solar Energy Advantages Disadvantages

Many of us know that solar energy is a good thing, but few really understand why. Therefore, I compiled a comprehensive list of solar energy advantages and disadvantages that will enable you to make an educated decision whether on not Solar Power is right for YOU.
Solar Energy Advantages
1. Saves you money
  • After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE.
  • The recovery/ payback period for this investment can be very short depending on how much electricity your household uses.
  • Financial incentives are available form the government that will reduce your cost.
  • If your system produce more energy than you use, your utility company can buy it from you, building up a credit on your account! This is called net metering.
  • It will save you money on your electricity bill if you have one at all.
  • Solar energy does not require any fuel.
  • It's not affected by the supply and demand of fuel and is therefore not subjected to the ever-increasing price of gasoline.
  • The savings are immediate and for many years to come.
  • The use of solar energy indirectly reduces health costs.
2. Environmentally friendly
  • Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our environment.
  • It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generations does.
  • Therefore Solar Energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or smog.
  • It actively contributes to the decrease of harmful green house gas emissions.
  • It's generated where it is needed.
  • By not using any fuel, Solar Energy does not contribute to the cost and problems of the recovery and transportation of fuel or the storage of radioactive waste.
3. Independent/ semi-independent
  • Solar Energy can be utilized to offset utility-supplied energy consumption. It does not only reduce your electricity bill, but will also continue to supply your home/ business with electricity in the event of a power outage.
  • A Solar Energy system can operate entirely independent, not requiring a connection to a power or gas grid at all. Systems can therefore be installed in remote locations (like holiday log cabins), making it more practical and cost-effective than the supply of utility electricity to a new site.
  • The use of Solar Energy reduces our dependence on foreign and/or centralized sources of energy, influenced by natural disasters or international events and so contributes to a sustainable future.
  • Solar Energy supports local job and wealth creation, fuelling local economies.
4. Low/ no maintenance
  • Solar Energy systems are virtually maintenance free and will last for decades.
  • Once installed, there are no recurring costs.
  • They operate silently, have no moving parts, do not release offensive smells and do not require you to add any fuel.
  • More solar panels can easily be added in the future when your family's needs grow.
Solar Energy Disadvantages
  • The initial cost is the main disadvantage of installing a solar energy system, largely because of the high cost of the semi-conducting materials used in building one.
  • The cost of solar energy is also high compared to non-renewable utility-supplied electricity. As energy shortages are becoming more common, solar energy is becoming more price-competitive.
  • Solar panels require quite a large area for installation to achieve a good level of efficiency.
  • The efficiency of the system also relies on the location of the sun, although this problem can be overcome with the installation of certain components.
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Software for Students: Software That Every Student Requires

In today's technique-friendly world, computers are the backbone of almost every electronic device. Most of the people are assisted by a computer software, whether on a PC desktop, laptop, iPad or in the cloud. In such a scenario, how can the education sector remains untouched by the glory of computer software. Along with business professionals, there are a lot of software for students in the market. The common software for students are focused on preparing papers, presentations, working on papers, submitting a project or any class assignment. Below is a list of some widely used software for students, which perfectly assist them in their study life.
For documentation and reading
In student life, there is always a need to read, download or create documents of different formats and layouts. To assist the students in this process, programs like Adobe reader always come in handy. It is a program that is used to read the files in PDF format. Software called Cute PDF writer is used for creating PDF files. Not only one can write the virtual documents, but also turn JPEG image files into PDF format by using the software.
For word processing
During the student's life, students need to write or publish papers. They often use Microsoft Word for this purpose. Although different operating systems have different versions, the students are required to use Microsoft Word while writing and mailing documents.
For presentations
Apart from submitting a research paper, students also require delivering a presentation before the mass. For such tasks, PowerPoint is the perfect software for students. It comes with the different formatting and coloring options, charts, shapes, graphics and some smart tools to customize the presentation. Further, it is quite popular in the professional life, so learning how to use it early during education is advantageous for students.
For Data Analysis
For managing data records, analyzing or centralizing the data or creating forms, Microsoft Excel is preferred by the students. This is the best software for students to input data and calculate or analyze it.
For the extras
Apart from the academic and technical work, there are some software for students that are usable depending on their personal interests like iTunes and Adobe Photoshop. These programs are used to get access to music and perform photo editing. However, such software needed to be purchased legally.
Therefore, with the technological advancements in the education sector, it has been flooded with a number of software. Irrespective of any hardware compatibility, such kinds of software tend to help the students to accomplish their academic or non-academic tasks.

Technical Writing - The Difference Between a Process and a Procedure

In Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1, Act III, Scene 1, in an argument about how to divide a piece of land, one character says that he'll "cavil on the ninth part of a hair." Cavil means to quibble over an unimportant point. Even better, it's a really annoying and trivial objection. The reason for mentioning this is because there's often a fine line between caviling and getting it technically right. Here at The Tech Writer's Tool Kit, the general view is that every word has a specific meaning and no two words ever have exactly the same meaning. Is it a cavil to insist that there's an important difference between a procedure and a process? They both mean a way to get something done. Is changing a tire a process or a procedure? Did you just go through the (process or procedure) of refinancing your home?
Procedure - The dictionary gives the etymology of procedure as a French word, procédure, from proceder which means to proceed. To proceed is defined, simply, as to go forward and procedure is defined as a manner of proceeding. We have to go beyond simple definition to usage. In American English, the word is used, most often, to designate a unique type of undertaking. So, we have medical procedure and nomination procedure. A procedure, then, is a single activity, consisting of multiple steps, performed to accomplish a specific outcome. - This is the procedure we use to elect our officers.- The doctor said the procedure is simple enough to be done in his office.- It's a long and complicated procedure that must be performed carefully.
Process - Starting with the dictionary for the etymology, we do kind of a loop around to find out process comes through Middle English and Old French from Latin prMcdere that means to advance or proceed. Sounds a lot like procedure. But, the definition of process shows a difference. It says a process is a series of actions that bring about a result. In most cases, that result is a completed procedure. The distinction holds up in general usage in a number of fields. For example, we talk about a hair coloring process, events now in process, and processing an order. In Law, process is defined as the whole judicial proceeding (procedure). In Engineering, the steps in changing iron into steel is a process. In Computer Science, it means performing operations on data, which is done by a processor.
Based on general usage, then: - a procedure is a total operation - the complete set of actions - that results in some desired outcome- a process is the series of individual steps within the procedure that is followed to achieve the outcome The difference is that you must follow a process in order to complete a procedure. That would mean that saying, "The process of getting a haircut is boring" doesn't mean the same as saying, "The procedure of getting a haircut is boring." It depends on whether you're saying that the individual steps are boring or the whole operation boring. Two different words: two different meanings? We think so. What about you?
If you can write a simple sentence and organize your thoughts then technical writing may be a rewarding field. You can easily make it a second income stream in your spare time.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average salary for technical writers is $60,380. Freelance technical writers can make from $30 to $70 per hour.
The field of technical writing is like a golden city. It's filled with wealth, rewards and opportunities. After learning technical writing you can branch out into business writing, marketing writing and communications writing. All of these can become additional income streams.
But to succeed you must learn how to market yourself to clients. You have to prove to them that you are an invaluable asset. That's where ProTech - Your Fast Track to Becoming a Successful Technical Writer can help. It's a technical writing course that does two equally important things:
1. It teaches you the skills to become a technical writer in the shortest time frame. You'll learn to create manuals, procedures, tutorials, processes, proposals, spec sheets and other documents that businesses need.
2. It shows you how to market yourself to clients so you can start your income stream as soon as possible.
In fact, you'll get a complete marketing toolkit which has templates and technical writing job sites to get started immediately!
You can download two sample lessons by clicking the link below.
This could be your chance to create a prosperous future.
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